Goods Drive 2023 Thank you Bangalore, Thank you OWC

Liav Shamriz, VP Charities

Between 27th of March and 2nd of April our charity team conducted a Bangalore-wide Spring Clean. We hoped to gather as many items as we could to distribute among the charities we support. I must admit that in the weeks before "The Clean", I was slightly nervous, hoping for a good turnout. We really didn't know what to expect and I just didn't want to disappoint our charities who, to some extent, really need second hand goods in order to operate.

Well, how did it go? Beyond expectations! But let me walk you through some numbers, so you can decide.

And last, I must give a HUGE 'Thank You' to Bangalore and OWC members for their

generosity. They all made a difference and Bangalore is a better place thanks to you!

To learn more about OWC Charities, please visit:

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